Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Residential and Commercial Window Cleaning

Squeegee Clean WindowWashRite Services specializes in both residential and low rise commercial window cleaning services. From historic districts to custom built residential homes, to fast food and retail store fronts to low rise commercial buildings. We can provide all of your window cleaning needs in South Georgia including Valdosta, Hahira, Lake Park and surrounding communities.

What separates WashRite Services from other window cleaning companies? Some of our customers will say it’s our 10+ years experience and knowledge in the cleaning industry. Some will tell you it is our commitment to detail, or our personable customer service.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is another reason. We are a customer first service company with a simple policy: You do not pay until you are satisfied!

Eco Friendly Window CleaningWe use Eco friendly products, pure water technology and trained technicians to clean your windows. Let us make it crystal clear to you that your windows will be sparkling clean when we are finished.

Our commercial and residential window cleaning services include interior and exterior cleaning of most types of residue (fingerprints, tape, paint or glue).


Unfortunately, mineral and hard water stains are very stubborn and will not allow us to offer a 100% guarantee on window restorations but we do guarantee a vast and drastic improvement.